Saturday, August 18, 2012

Crackles: Foiled

I now am the proud owner of three OPI polishes.  BUT, I only recently got them, AND only because they were five bucks each, NOT $20!!!  So, I still stick by my refusal to not pay the big bucks for the polishes with the big names.  HA!

OK, now that's off my chest, I discovered there are some colour combos that the crackles just don't work with:

Rimmel - Instyle Coral with OPI - Blue Shatter

And some colour combos that are ok:

Bourjois - Fuchsia Hype with OPI - Turquoise Shatter

But what I've discovered, is that they look really, really good on top of foils:

Base coat:  Ulta3 - Lollypop Lilac

Pinky:  OPI - Blue Shatter; Ring:  Turquoise Shatter; Middle:  Blue Shatter; Index:  Pink Shatter; Thumb:  Turquoise Shatter. 

And check this out:

Max Factor Nailfinity - Angel Nails with OPI - Pink Shatter over top.  Rockin' that crackle!

 You could even say it was "crack-a-licious" (**groans**).



  1. I love the shatter over the foils!! I only ever tried black and white shatter which looks like you belong in K-Rd

  2. Lol, good ole K-Road!! I'm sure the b&w shatters don't look THAT bad do they?! I have Avon's black & white shatter/mosaic polishes and I find they look much better with a bright/neon or foil underneath. Also, with most shatters, you should only apply the shatter layer very thinly, otherwise you can't fully see the effect. I like using the foils underneath best because the shatters seem to "shrink" best on the surface of the foil polish. NN
