I'm not usually a nail art fan. Don't get me wrong, I admire a lot of it online, with accompanying oohs and aahs, and holy crap how'd they do that's. But I'm just not an artist myself. Don't have the patience for it, and those genes were passed from my mother to my brothers. Even my Dad can draw. It skipped me :-(
The other night whilst enjoying the balmy weather Sydney has been having recently, I felt all summery and got it in my head to pain watermelons on my nails. I didn't copy anything off the net, although there is a plethora of fruit nail art out there. No, I had a picture in my head of how I wanted it to look.
Using Sally Hansen's Emerald City I painted the green (outer shell) base coat. Then, using Savvy's Watermelon Crush, I painted the inner flesh:
Emerald City = 2 coats, Watermelon Crush = 1 coat.
The dark green of Emerald City turned turned the pinky/coral of Watermelon Crush a brown colour, so I added another coat after I took the above photo.
Then, seeing what I was up to, my husband (who is quite an artist himself) said "You need to do the pips." Indeed, I did need to do them, but was unsure how to achieve this, when the husband came up with another brilliant idea: use a toothpick. So that's what I did! And these are the results:
I think pretty good for a first attempt! Maybe there's hope for me yet?!!??!!
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